My husband started playing Clash of Clans with some coworkers and I thought nothing of it. After a few weeks he was more into the chat aspect of the game and I noticed a lot of chatting between him and a smile82392. I asked if it was someone from work and he said no, just some girl that was in the “clan”in the game. Again, trusting ol’ me thought nothing of it, giving the benefit of the doubt. Then one night I heard his phone going off like crazy so I took a look and he had downloaded an the app Kik and a lot of the messages were related to the game and I noticed the smile.82392 with the name Kayla 1992 attached to the user name was chatting on a personal level with him.
I confronted him and asked he stop talking to her. He said OK. He still played the game and to her on the game but i trusted him to keep it game related since he played it in front of me. But I had noticed he spent more time in the bathroom with his phone and more distant.
So a few nights ago I checked his phone and saw he was talking to her on Kik but now more explicitly. I confronted him and made him delete any contact and I’ll be watching like a hawk now.
Last night I tried looking this user name up everywhere and she was almost untraceable but persistence paid off. Through her phoney Facebook page promoting her Kik username I found her and her page. Sadly I found hundreds of men that talk to her online in s similar way as she did my husband. She’s an online attention whore that needs men to tell her how sexy she is and pay her attention. A lot of these men are married too and I’m sure she tells them all the same thing for sexual attention. She says she is a stripper and is now saying she is pregnant with twins and the dad left. Pity party galore yet still is posting sexy posts.
On his Kik messenger I told her to leave my husband alone. And she non chalantly said, I will no worries, as if she hasn’t been carrying on a sexual online affair with my husband for months.
If your husband plays Clash of Clans and probably other only games, she may be trying to talk to them too. I know this wasn’t physical but an emotional affair hurts worse to me right now!!!