Married people cheat. It happens. This case is a tad different. Trust me. Where to begin? Oh wait, too simple of a question. If there were some sort of rehab for whores, Briana Sanches would be publicly marketing the brand and her father would be the Sheriff of “Whore Island” rather than Lufkin, Texas. Also, are the “good ol’ boys and gals” of this charming town truly spending their hard earned tax dollars to support a LPD officer to “police” that unforgiving pussy while on duty? Hey, like they say, “when duty calls”. Right? Never mind all that. Pressing forward. So this slut not only slept with a married man while she, herself, was married but had ZERO remorse for the fact that her new beau for (for the moment) is expecting a child! Ok let me break it down into LayMan’s (<—-that’s pun) terms. Briana Sanches is WILLINGLY sleeping with a married man while his wife is at home 6 months pregnant! Insane. I know. Now here’s where the positive comes. She has inspired me to start a movement. A revolution, if you will. Wait….Wait for it…………. #PregnantLivesMatter Cheers to you Briana Sanches Harkness (yes public records show you’re not legally divorced) You’ve been nominated for the prestigious and never discriminating C*nt of the Year Award! Disclaimer: The State of Texas in no ways authorizes or recognizes Facebook divorces. If you or someone you love has fell subject to the mental pychosis of social media and have been directly affected by delusions associated with “if it’s FaceBook Official then it’s REAL” syndrome please call the toll free number 1-800-IMA-WHORE. An operator is kneeling by.