This is Christopher Ryan Ragsdale, he goes by Ryan Ragsdale, he is my soon to be ex-husband. October 2013 I found out he had been cheating with Amanda (1st pic and the 1st time he had cheated that I know about anyway). Of course he is such a sociopath he never admitted anything but I had the proof right in front of me and Amanda admitted it. I kicked him out but I stupidly let him back home around January 2014, we have 2 small children and at the time I desperately wanted to keep my family together. Then in June 2014 I found out he cheated on me with Ashley 2nd pic ( he has never admitted to anything. He will literally be on his knees BEGGING me not to leave him and then 30 minutes later blowing up Ashley’s cell phone. He is the best of the best. Both of these women will admit they believed everything he told them. I am crazy and just jealous he is moving on among other things. He had purchased a go-phone to try and hide the call/texts from me, since it’s all come out he has stolen a credit card from me and used it.
Ladies beware this man is a narcissistic, pathological lying, verbally abusive, alcoholic, sociopath. He is useless.
I can’t wait to be free. I live by the girl code and wanted to at least try and save another woman from the lying, betrayal and humiliation I have had to endure.