This man owes over 35, 000$ in child support and hasn’t seen his daughter in over 5 years. He lies and tells everyone his loyal ex wife of 10 years cheated on him. He does this so women on POF and tinder will feel sorry for him. He has stolen from his child and from his ex wife. He gets payday loans in her name and she has to pay or itll ruin her credit. Ronald Charron allowed the bank to take his family home because he didnt pay the mortgage. He also got his truck repossessed and told everyone the transmission blew. His father had to come out of retirement to pay his sons bills as he co signed for him. He worked at the LU 488 plumbers and pipefitters union as an instructor. His co-workers noticed all the scabs on his face from meth. He lied and told everyone it was from a concrete burn. HE DECIDED TO QUIT AND TELL EVERYONE HIS MOTHER WAS DYING OF CANCER, EVEN CRIED IN THE OFFICE WHILE HE TOLD HIS SUPERVISOR. He stole his child cell phone and used it to call drug dealers to pick up because he didnt pay for his cell phone it got cut off. His childs mother was so worried she couldnt get ahold of her child only to find out the cell phone was taken by this deadbeat loser. Drug dealers called his child looking to collect. The child stayed with him for a short time while the mom went to school so she could support herself and the child. In that time the child was severely neglected and verbally abused by Ronald Charron’s alcoholic mother. The childs mother called child protective services to assist her in removing the child from his parents home. Ronald Charron tried to keep the child because he didnt want to pay child support. Ronald Charron was deemed an unfit parent immediately and the child is happily living with her mother. Her mother was devastated being away from her child but Ronald Charron told the child he would kill himself if the child went back to the mother. The child was so scared the child told the mom she wanted to stay with her dad. Ronald Charron stole money from his parents and from their bank accounts. When his mother gave him money to sen to his child he kept the money for drugs. Ronald Charron stole from his friends and took priceless heirlooms to the pawn shop for money. The list goes on. When his ex wife would call begging for help with rent and for food he would not answer the phone and them text he did not care. THIS LYING PIECE OF SH1T LIVES IN FORT SASKATCHEWAN AND TELLS FAMILY MAINTENANCE HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT HIS CHILD AND GARNISH HIS F**KING WAGES. If anyone knows where he works please post something below. His child is in need, their are court orders in place.