The Worst Gold Diggers Author – My husband and this girl have been carrying on this affair for months. It has gotten progressively more and more of a joke. And it’s apparently getting serious. She entered into this knowing that I, his wife, had no idea. He didn’t even have to lie about our marriage to her. She jumped right on board. They have been given the option of ceasing their union, or he doesn’t get to see his son. Any woman with ANY self-respect would never come between a father and son. But this isn’t her first affair with a married man. She has knowingly dated several more. She knows that James’ wife had NO idea that he had even strayed. In fact, Leesa had planned a trip for the family to the smoky mtns. But. She had to have emergency surgery, two days after her surgery, James, her husband, suddenly stopped making contact with her. Leesa didn’t hear from him for almost two months. Little did she know that at the time of her surgery, her husband and his girlfriend took the planned trip to mtns that his wife had begged for. Kirstie knowingly went and enjoyed Leesas trip. Two months later, when confronted about the affair, Jake’s and Leesa got into a fighter, which left Leesa alone and bleeding with stitches on her mouth a sprained neck, and several bruises along her jawline and stomach. He literally beat the crap out of his wife because of Kirstie. She gives him what he wants, so of course, he stays. Car, lodging,… she also gives him an excuse to not take care of his son. And is not bothered by the fact that he chose her over his son. She is deceitful, a liar, manipulating girl. Obviously, she has some self live needs and has no respect for herself or others. She will be taught her lesson she can be sure.