The Worst Gold Diggers Author – It’s not gossip, its true facts. Krystena at age 19 started working with my father age 71 around spring/summer of 2016. She quickly befriended my father and gave him the attention he so desperately craved since losing my mother. She studied and learned him. Realizing that he would do anything for her if he felt bad for her, she began telling him false stories about her life to make him feel bad and so it began. She pretended to grow closer to him and eventually pretended to be in a relationship with him for her benefit all while she had a boyfriend her own age that of course my father was unaware of. She convinced my father to spend thousands of dollars on her buying clothes, jewelry, make-up, shoes, candles, a phone, you name it, she got whatever her heart desired. Come November 2016 she shows up at his house in the middle of the night crying that she was thrown out and had nowhere to go, also a lie. My dad felt bad and invited her to stay. I warned him but he just felt so bad, like he would be leaving her to the wolves if he turned her away. This was only supposed to be for 3 weeks, after about 4 weeks I felt like I needed to step in and confront her about all of his money she was spending. I sat them both down and they covered for each other, the both lied right to my face and when I showed them the proof I had, they had nothing to say. Fast forward to 5/6 weeks in and on Christmas day, I had finally had it after I saw some text messages she was sending my father, it was clear to any sensible person that she was manipulating him but he didn’t want to believe it. So I told her that her and I needed to talk and she needed to start packing. By the time I got to my fathers house a few hours later, she had already packed and took off. At this point he claimed that he saw the truth and would stay away from her, I thought it was over. They continued their “relationship” in secret and she continued spending his money. Fast forward to May 2017, my father fell ill and spent 6 days in the hospital at which point I had to handle his affairs for him. At this time, I find out that he had gone and leased her a brand new 2017 Mazda SUV, a $ 39,000.00 vehicle, registered and insured it for her and to top it all off, she had no job and she crashed it 10 days after she got it and I learned that she had crashed her old piece of garbage 3 times during the time she spent with my father and he paid for all of those repairs out of his pocket as well before getting her a whole new car. I personally repossessed the vehicle with my fathers permission and now finally this fake relationship is over and she can no longer get anything from him. Besides the thousands she manipulated him to spend on her, he was paying for her gas, insurance, car, nails, hair, brand new iphone (which she never returned and he had to pay out) and anything else you can imagine, he would just hand it over to her because she just constantly had a pity story to tell him, he would feel bad and his wallet would magically open. The saddest part of all of this is that my father isn’t a wealthy man, actually he is borderline poor and he drained every possible resource for money over this manipulative little girl, he is in debt up to his eyeballs and his originally small retirement is gone, she completely wiped him out and walked away with everything completely free of any accountability for what she had done. Please make this piece of trash famous for what she has done, it’s the only justice we will ever get.