Classic Coworker becomes a HW. Watch your Husband, BF, even male friends around this HW. She likes them MARRIED with pregnant wives and children. Yeah I know you’re looking at her beautiful mugshot (she was charged with DWI, possession and numerous other infractions) and think MY man would never….. But she’s an expert on married manhunter. Once she gets her nasty claws on YOUR man she’ll go for someone else’s. This is how it all went down….. My husband and I were 6 months pregnant with our third child in three years, my father had just passed away, kids had been sick with RSV (little sleep) and I had finals looming last December. I was a wreck, a grouch, a b!*ch. So we fought, a lot for about a week. Then I noticed him texting “just friends” and “just coworkers “. He’d delete the text and began to grow distant by working late all the while hiding his phone (something he never done before). The more I tried to address the issue, the farther away he pushed until he decided to work doubles at work even Christmas Eve. He was more interested in spending it with his coworkers than with his family.
This was not the man I married but still the man I loved. Christmas he hurriedly spent wirh us then left to be with hos family, the next day he left me (6 months pregnant and a full time student) our two kids to go live on a motel. He didn’t want a divorce just a “break” because he had no feelings for me. He didn’t want to end it he just didn’t want me right then. So we lived off my student loans because no one wanted to hire someone so pregnant. Of course he didn’t pay a penny of child support even though he knew we were struggling. Fast forward two months and I’m taking a state exam for my license when I meet one of his “coworker” named Monica. I introduced myself as his wife and didn’t think much of it until I noticed her giving me strange looks from across the room. I asked my male friend to see if she knew my husband ( I had an intuition that he was seeing someone even though he denied it vehemently). She told my friend that she knew my hubby but that they werent together, she then asked him for his phone number and grabbed his butt. My friend turned her down flat because she looked like “she had too many miles”. One week later I went into labor. I called my husband because he said he wanted to be there but he never came ( he felt he needed to be true to her. I guess, little did he know she was trying to pick up other guys). It wasn’t until a week later that he decided he would meet his son for the first time. He hardly seen our kids even though they cried for him every day and our two year old daughter was diagnosed with depression. He still didn’t give me one penny for our kids. He still denied being with anyone and he started to talk about getting back together. A month later he takes a mystery vacation with his “family” all the while telling me he wants to start working things out and we begin to be intimate again. He now lives in his own apartment with a mystery roomate that no one is allowed to meet. When he came back from his vacation his FB has a “friend” that had been to the west coast the same time he was. I knew something was up so I asked him if he went with her and of course he denied her (funny how he always done that). I told him I was tired of waiting for him and that I was going to start seeing other people. Well he lost it reminding me of our precious vows and he couldn’t believe how fast I replaced him. I FB the HW (not something I would normally do) and of course she didnt reply. She left him when she found out that we had been intimate, what did she think? That he would be faithful to her??? Lol. I finally found out about her a few weeks later when a mutual friend told me that she had met the HW and my husband holding hands and he introduced her as hos GF. When I confronted him he had nothing to say. I cut off communications with him. Long story short we decided to make it work. I found out that she told him before he left us, ” here’s my number incase things don’t work out with your wife” Who with class and self respect would do that?