This wrecked my 9 year marriage with my husband. This started back several months ago when my husband went into her shop to buy me a necklace for my birthday. Then it was her suggestion that my husband friend her and go like her boutique page on facebook. She was constantly messaging my husband and asking questions and always sending him photos of herself. This “woman” then started to sweet talk my husband and would invite him for lunch. My husband did tell her that he was married and that we have 3 daughters. But she kept sweet talking her way and kept bothering my husband day and night, saying she had little gifts for our daughters,until my husband fell in her trap. From there, she would ask around town about me and if there were any issues with my husband. She used those problems that my husband and I had in the past to reel him in. She manipulated my husband into buying her jewelry, since she says her life can never be without “bling bling” This woman can sweet talk her way out of a paper bag. She manipulated my husband into buying her 2 kids stuff because her kids needed stuff. She uses her kids to sweet talk as well, how my husband was the best step-dad to them. My husband became totally irresponsible, our bills became extremely behind , thanks to this homewrecker who just always wanted money. Monica even tried to tell my husband to push me and my daughters out of our home. This homewrecker was already picking out paint samples to re-do our home. This girl was leaking my husband’s wallet dry, and was always demanding money for her nails, yardwork, or to buy herself things. She always wants to be in control and thinks she is some sort of supermodel.
My husband became an alcoholic thanks to her (That’s why our marriage is ending), since she was always getting my husband drunk when she would go and pick him up after work. She tries to coverup her homewrecking ways claiming she is a Christian and she is an idependant business woman, and does everything for her kids. If you have relatives, she loves to butter them up.She always tries to play the role that she is the savior and can help you work your problems out, whens she actually just uses them against you. When in fact, She has no shame, golddigger, very controlling and a manipulator, sweet talker, belittles, and she will deny everything. She has no respect for her own marriage when she is married in Mexico to another man, and also has a boyfriend who works out of town digging wells. Monica loves to sneak around at night, and always says she is out on business selling things when she was actually with my husband at bars and restruants. Prior, I confronted her, but she wouldn’t back off since she was asking my husband what she wanted for Valentines Day. I wanted to share my story, because it is time that people knew the truth about the way she really is and what she did to me.