This woman has three girls that she abandoned and one day just left with the dads, she is a drunk and has often came home saying horrible things to her kids. She is dating her daughters step moms baby daddy. She sells her daughters things and used to rip off her own mother and father. At her moms funeral all she had in the euilogy was she will “always remember shopping” because she is so self absorbed she only thinks of herself, she has slept with her own cousins and has one of them tattooed on her, it’s not her fault though she is probably FAS with her retard thumbs. Her kids hate her and she doesn’t care she’s better off in a gutter where she belongs she had an abortion from another man while she was married so her husband left her after giving her chlamydia. But she will probably stay with her man now because they got the gift that keeps on giving enjoy your bumps u nasty chug