In March 2014, I found out my husband of 9 years was having a relationship with a girl named Sandra Johnson. I found her phone number and called her and she said they had been seeing each other since September of 2013, 6 months, and that she knew he was married and had kids! Right after I talked to her I talked to a friend of mine, and she told me to call her ex because she thought he was seeing her also. I called him and he said they had been dating for over a year. He works in the oilfield so she had plenty of time to do her dirty deeds while he was away at work. My husband plays Semi Pro football, and I found out that since I worked on his game days, he was taking her to his games, with our kids. My kids said they were not allowed to tell me. They are young and thought they would get into trouble if they told me.
He only cut if off with her because I found out. The next day she posted on Facebook that she was in a relationship, and low and behold, he was married too! You are in a relationship with a man for 6 months, and you get with another married man the very next day?!?! That relationship only lasted a week, and just a few days after it ended she was posting about another guy she was seeing. In August of last year a friend sent me a screenshot of a meme picture that Sandra posted on Facebook. It was about how he may be with me, but she still has his heart, and posted that she still loved my husband, and she would be with him again one day. This was 4 months after he broke it off with her, and while she was wearing another man’s engagement ring! I messaged her fiancé and talked to him for a bit about the woman he was about to marry, and he did some investigation work for himself. While investigating he learned that she was still seeing one of the guys that she saw after my husband, and she was still seeing my friend off and on. He also learned that she had two different Facebook accounts that had some very questionable pictures on them. Needless to say they are no longer together.
This woman has a young daughter. She takes a lot of pictures with her man of the day and her daughter. She posts that her daughter loves whichever man it just so happens to be so much she calls him Daddy. I feel bad for the little girl. Her daughter is white, but all of these men are black. She has to be very confused if she is calling all of these different men Daddy! Ladies beware; this woman is after whatever man she can get.