This girl knew that she was starting an affair with a married man. She knew he had a child at home and she slept with him in the backseat of her truck. She continued to see him for over a year. All along knowing we were still in a relationship and knowing that we had a family. He did not lie to her about anything until the end. Once I found out she begged him to leave his family for her. What kind of person asks someone to leave their home and child. She is not a woman in anyway but a childish & selfish little girl. She would text me and tell me that I deserved better and that she just wanted to be honest. But all along she was still talking to him and seeing him. She felt that she was telling me stuff to make herself look like a good person but in the end she was just saying it to be a b*tch. She said things that didn’t need to be said. She posted things daily on her Instagram just to be a b*tch. Quotes to him , to try to get him to go to her. In the end he never left his family for her. He never chose her. If you ever see her just know that in the end she’s a homewrecker and proud of it.