This fat ugly COW is METHHEAD she has a Child that she doesn’t take care of cuz ALL SHE cares about is getting her next HOOT !!!! She will let ANYONE IN HER PlACE just as long as they got METH!!!!! FUCKNG nasty excuse of a mother!! She has DRDs !! She will let you come over and sleep with her as long as they got DRUGS or PILLS !! Her little girl SKYLAR is beaten up if she goes in this nasty bitches room while she’s doing HIM or Doing DRUGS !! Sad excuse of a mother !! Sick bitch should give up her kid and STOP LIVING OFF Welfare aha HONESTLY this hoe should really go get her TEETH FIXED they are so Fucking CROCKED AND PLUS SHES MISSING SOME FROM THE METH!!!!! Sick ugly fat thing is a sad excuse for a mom wow Really her child would be better off in a Foster Home!! Wow sad bitch needs help.. she’s so nasty and gross. Sells herself for a hit. Gross BIG NOSE MUTT. I sad for her daughter. She should go fix HER BIG NOSE too… All the meth she’s been snorting looking like a pig.. disgusting piece of sh1t.