The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Advian Siragusa is what I would call a serial borne wrecker. She destroyed my marriage of 13 years and from what I have learned this isn’t the first time she has been with a married man. In fact, I found texts on my husband’s computer of her bragging about it, and how she purposely goes for married man because she says that all the good/fun guys are married, De she likes older guys Fql, with money, and the guys that aren’t married are too young and immature for her. And she sucks them dry and then gets bored and, next! So to sum it up, Advian has absolutely zero problem destroying families, brags about it, and will one day rot in h**l where she belongs. Also, she works in a strip club and is a very bad drug addict, in fact, she turned my soon to be ex-husband into a drug addict, and then when she got bored of him she just left him for dead after 2 years, oh and I forgot to mention, they were engaged!!! Leah, that about sums it up. Today is Advian 41st Birthday, Happy Birthday S**t!