So I was seeing this guy for a bit, turns out he was also seeing this alien looking troll. I went to the doctors to get my yearly check ups and one week later I get a call back stating that I have DRDS, it’s so fuking embarrassing and I didn’t know what to do and he’s the only guy I’ve been in a while. I confront him and he finally came clean and he confessed that the only girl he was sleeping with was Alex. Which like now I’m even more grossed out because this girl has been passed out around so much that who knows what she is carrying. Fellas please, do yourself a favor and use a condom and if you already did go get your self checked. As for you Alex just stop, no matter how hard you try you’re still going to be the ugly duckling you were when you were young and no matter how much surgery you get you’ll still never measure up, not just your looks but your sh1tty fake personality also. Stop filling the hole you feel by spreading your legs everywhere lol you’re a joke and believe me this is coming from the small circle you hang around with. Admit it, you and your bffs are not peas in a pod, you’re ice cubes in a glass trying to play it cool, but about due for a fuking meltdown.