Ok my husband and i have been married for 10 years whe all of a sudden the 9 year everything started going wrong we moved into a new house because the house we was staying in i let my sister and her family move in and it was a nightmare so we needed a new started so he say now i didn’t know the plan was to get me and the girls settled in and he was going to leave i have 4 small kids my youngest gas autism but he cowards out and couldn’t do it but he turned our lives inside out i had the feeling he was cheating i kept aking himare you cheating he kept telling me know and it was reslly pissing me off cause i knew he was so i felt like okay u don’t want to tell me i will get it out of you my way i kicked his a$$ out my house he sitting there looking dumb ass hell like he didn’t know what was going on so later on that night a friend came to check on me and my girls so it was like soon as he came Trae my fake as husband showed up so i let Zay my friend in the house so it wont be any mess so my husband came to the door i didn’t let him in i was talking to him threw the door so i told Zay go into the hallway so Trae couldn’t see him so Trae finally left so i thought thid dude went threw my she room door listening to Zay and i conversation the he pushed his way threw the door coming for Zay…
but i didn’t let it get that close Trae left with no problem cause he know Zay and i are just friends so i let Trae come back the next morning to see the kids he asking what happen with us like i told him you f@@k this marrige up so he still was lying then all of a sudden he just came out and told he had been cheating on me for year and a have and now it’s a 3week baby like really i could have went to jail that day i was so hurt it felt like someone put a knife threw my heart then when he told me he called her and told her i told my wife everything so she was like what about me i’m f@@k you so you knew about me the whole time he use to see her on his lunch break and that was only 15mintues so you was okay being the side chick for as long as he let you then on top of that u was willing to hide your child to to keep a man who was never going t leave his family calling you all types of god giving name…..SO NEXT TIME YOU WANNA BE A SIDECHICK FIND SOMEBODY ELSE HUSBAND CAUSE MESSING WITH MINE WILL GET YOU HURT NOW WE ARE GOING TO GET A DNA TEST CAUSE I REALLY DON’T THINK THATS HIS CHILD BY TIME I FOUND ALL THIS OUT SHE DIDN’T LIVE IN HOUSTON ANYMORE NOW SHE LIVE IN AmarilloTx GOD KNOWS IF THAT CHILD LIVED IN HOUSTON BUT AS FAR AS TRAE HE CAN KISS MY A@@ I’M SO DONE WITH HIM BECAUSE IF YOU REALLY LOVE SOMEONE YOU WOULDN’T HURT THEM SO BADLY SO I HOPE YOU GET EVERYTHING YOU DISH OUT MR.MAN…..