So this clown Andrew is brothers with Sam Douglas. Anyway Sam decided to run his mouth and talk all heavy while he was surrounded by cops… Seems he doesn’t like what Jack ( the photo radar protestor) does, so Jack called him out on it to back up his mouth. Well Sam Douglas decided to be a coward and go into hiding. Well now his bish brother Andrew is calling me and harassing me. I’m a single mother and have no part in their dispute and I’ve told Andrew numerous times to leave me alone and that if he’s got a problem with Jack to go see him but as it stands Andrew Douglas is just as much a coward as his brother. So now he’s sending me messages that he’s going to continue harrassing me and is threatening to beat me up. These brothers are nothing but woman beaters. So Andrew instead of proving you’re a bitch why not go after Jack and leave me alone seeing as your beef is with him. But again we know you won’t approach him as you know Jack will mess up both of you bitches. Nik this woman beater needs to be blasted.