Surprised this nasty twat hasn’t bin posted yet 🙄 shes probably one of the grossest b1tches around b1tch has had over 20 boyfriends in the past year or so back to back enjoys being passed around between homies I heard she stinks & doesn’t shower doesn’t take care of her three daughters her oldest is probably going to be a hoe just like her already looking and dressing like one 😂 bitch can’t even keep a man let alone a home she’s homeless and always has bin does Pepsi & has DRDs one of my friends has slept with her and complained about a stench while they were fuking by then it was already to late he went to the doctor’s and sure enough she gave him the drd!!!! Lmfao anybody who wants a quick fuk just Hollar at air mattress Ashley! Just be sure to wrap it up because she has the gift that keeps on giving 😂😂