This is Bradley Bodnor. He will lie to you to make you feel bad about him. He tells everyone he comes from the ghetto so they will pay his way. Then he will piss in a bucket in your house instead of using the bathroom like a human. He has slept with half the girls in this city on tinder and had told non of them he has drds. He is a rat b1tch who will tell your landlord you do drugs and have more pets that what your suppose to in your home. After supporting him for months on end for free. Free weed free drugs and free food. He will talk sh1t behind your back to turn people against you. And likely has way more then herpes. He’s a shallow judgmental player who cheats on his girl friends and lies about everything. Trust me girls you want nothing to do with this piece of sh1t. And if I were you I would go get checked. Watch out he might call the cops on you. He pretends to be a rapper and is nothing close. He never showers and his dirty all the time. Stay clear people you don’t want this lying fuker staying at your place he will steal anything he can get his hands on. This guy needs a beating to teach him who not to fuk with.