The Worst Gold Diggers Author – So this sloth here, claims to be sober and run her own photography business but is really just doing Suboxone xan & pepsi daily her source of income, Only fans. She quit her job because she wanted to go out and party. Then embarrassing enough called them crying she wanted her job back that it was a big mistake . She will befriend anyone who is close to a drug dealer. Use them to get free drugs then when the use for the friend is no longer there jumps to the next and just talks mad sh1t about you. She even talks sh1t about her best friend, says she has mental problem and mocks her in every way possible. She’s even made fun of her 2 children. Just such a sad soul. She’ll come up with lies to make people turn against you. Cheats on her fiancΓ© Justin Nolan on a weekly basis. Even went as far as got an old man to eat her out for money. She’ll save random guys she finds online under her friends names. She got there anniversary date tattood on her shoulder yet tells people it’s the day she became sober. She’s currently only with him because someone needs to pay the bills so she doesn’t lose her place. She has burned bridges with every person she has befriended. Even her own sister doesn’t like her. Also she may wanna get her pu55y checked or Atleast fix the ph balance cause dog salad can’t be to good for that.