Hey everyone. This is Chantel Dimma. Also known as Chantel Smith. Even tho Chantel is married to someone from Ohio, who is currently in Canada , living here without a permanent residence card. She has 2 kids 1 is 5 and the other one is just over a year. Whenever her husband isnt home, she has guys come over, f*ck, then leave. I wouldn’t wanna f*ck that sk**k if I was the last person on this earth. She beats her children. She has admitted to ne that she has dropped her oldest while she was drunk and that she almost dropped her youngest on another drunk night. She has tried taking her own life in front of her oldest child. She lies to her husband, sends nudes to other guys on Facebook then deletes it so her husband doesn’t see. She says she loves her husband, but she actually doesn’t. She said it was a mistake marrying him. Her kids hate her. She runs out of food for her kids in 2 weeks. If she has $200 and she is out of something for the kids. She rather spend it on things for her vape. If it’s not coils of juice then it’s a whole new vape mod… When her and her hubby started dating when he was still in Ohio, she had 5 guys comes over to her place to f*ck, then leave because apparently she couldn’t wait till her man got her.. Ladies be careful of her. She will f*ck any guy that has a d1ck.