The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This horrible excuse of a mother and sperm cell has some major head problems. Harassing people who have never done her wrong. Hiding behind screens, using different names, but wont ever meet up in person to look her victims in the eyes and handle it like adults. Instead she acts like a 2 year old child. Shes on disability but yet acts like her bank account is so outrageous. Like honey, sorry to break it to you, but if your bank accounts looks that good, then clearly you are selling your a55. Just like how you admitted to doing so. You judge ever other young mother, but can not even handle your own daughter. Poor Lillian. I feel sorry her mother is so unstable. I mean you talk mad sh!t about other people not knowing the father of their children when in fact its actually YOU who is unsure. You are going to let that little girl grow up without her father? Whatever to each their own i guess, it will all come out eventually and that little girl is going to grow up angry at the world and at you. Take it from someone who just found out their real father 3 days ago at 19 years old. Come on Claudia get your act together. Anyway, you are a waste of air. And i pray Lillian grows up to know the truth about you. Stop stressing and obsessing over people and start taking responsibility for your actions and daughter. Stop stressing over other peoples children and focus on your damn own. Stop spreading lies about people around you, and for the love of all that is holy, GET SOME DAMN MENTAL HELP!!!!