The Worst Gold Diggers Author- This girl right here is a real winner where do we even begin not only has she sent nudes to every guy she’s ever dated but she’s been sending nudes to her friends boyfriend she has been trying to Break other people’s relationships up over jealousy she’s jealous because she will never have a long term relationship she’s a cheater I really don’t understand why she so jealous over other people being happy solve your own problems and GROW UP She has been called some pretty nasty names because she sent nudes out and now one of her ex boyfriends has decided to share her pictures with his friends maybe you should rethink before a sharing your pictures over the internet Let’s take to an account for a moment she sent nudes out to 7 different guys that she’s dated in the past Maybe she should just spend the rest of her life single because she obviously doesn’t understand what a relationship is or what respect is for other people’s relationships it’s about time this girl grows up an acts her age Take my advice you’re seeking the wrong attention if you want that kind of attention there’s a place called strip club for that So beware ladies she might try and send your boyfriend nudes to break you guys up cause she has no respect for herself or for other people shes seeking the wrong kind of attention well Danielle Barnes TIME TO GROW UP Act YOUR AGE Just keep in mind guys This girl obviously can’t wait to grow up and lose her virginity Pretty sad she seeking attention the wrong way.