This loser took advantage of a single mom who is on disability. First said he wanted to rent a room and then wanted a relationship with her. Talked her into cashing a cheque on his behalf and then he got access to her banking by stealing her bank card and he must has watched her enter her password. He then downloaded the banking app on his phone and because she had a good standing with her bank he opened a US account using the web and the. He cashed another cheque through that account. She is currently waiting for copies of these cheque’s from the bank and she tried to file a police report. But she has to wait until she get the cheque’s back and can get the video of him at various bank machines because he had her bank card for 2 days. He took advantage of her vulnerable state and she didn’t even know he had her bank card. She would have reported it stolen ! He said he would make this right and he stood her up at the bank. This loser hangs out downtown. Has a tattoo of a skull on his left side of his neck and words ( daughter’s name) on the right side of his neck. If you see him call the police. Hes wanted.