The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Desiree Schamanski is as nasty and disgusting as a sk@nk can get. It doesn’t matter if you’re at work or on the street. Nobody is off limits to her opening her legs for them. The screenshot below is a conversation of my good friend who confronted Desiree because she homewrecked her relationship. Desiree often posts memes on her Facebook page about cheating and homewrecking and laughs thinking it’s funny. She has her own fiancé named Joey that she cheats on constantly and even bragged one day about how she had sex with two guys in the same day behind her fiancé’s back. Her sister Rosie is just as nasty. Rosie broke up someone’s marriage by becoming friends with a married guy with a pregnant wife and his pregnant wife took Rosie in to their home because she had nowhere else to go so she had to repay the favor I guess by sleeping with her husband under the roof that poor woman provided for her. The nastiest part about these sisters is that they often pass the men that they sleep with back and forth and get passed around themselves. You can’t hire either of them because half of the married husbands they got with were from their odd jobs at like grocery stores because they aren’t educated at all and can’t hold a job for long due to their heavy meth use. That’s why they never smile in their heavily filtered pictures because they are missing teeth from meth mouth and have that signature meth picked-at skin texture. Please put these two sloots on blast. There has to be some accountability for their actions.