Hilliary Adams, born September 30, 1992 is desperate to find a male to care for her and her soon to be 2 year old son, Rhett, and will go to any extreme to get it. She worked at Hooters, and lived with her boyfriend, but when she saw that was ending she conveniently became pregnant with his child. That didn’t quite work out the way she had hoped and they were split up and she was back at home with her mom before the child was born. She still tries to get this guy back on a daily basis. At least he is smart enough to see her for what she is… a stupid slut good for a quick screw and blow job – then he is done with her until the next time.

A few months ago she was handed a new job as a medical assistant and when it was discovered that she couldn’t do that job, she was demoted to receptionist. While at this job, she became very close to my husband who is 10 years older her senior. She convinced him to buy her clothes, jewelry, shoes, purses, alcohol, and baby items for her son. It worked out well b/c our daughter is the exact same age and he was able to give her parenting advice. In exchange she sent him pornography of herself and gave him sex. She would even leave her baby home alone at her mom’s house while she would go out for a quick screw! She had no problem pulling him aside at their company Christmas party when I was in attendance to get some attention from him, and convinced him to take her to hotels almost every weekend.

She would question him and get upset when he and I would spend time with our family or go on dates. She really thought that she had a future despite the fact that he blatantly told her he would never leave me, and she had no problem being “the other woman”. When I found out about all of this, I called to speak to her and left her a voicemail. She immediately had one of her relatives contact me with a threat that I stop harassing the poor girl or he would find out who I was and come after me. I told him that I would answer any question about myself that he had, but didn’t seem interested once he saw that he hadn’t “scared me away”.

She didn’t seem to be concerned that I knew about the relationship she had with my husband though because she continued to send nude photos of her pleasuring herself and asking him to continue the affair they had. She has tried hitting on several other older men at the practice and is supposedly a really easy screw if you buy her things. She doesn’t seem to care if the guy is married or not… oh and she wont ask you to use a condom either, but be careful – she may try to get pregnant to keep you around! I am trying to make things work with my husband despite his major screw up. I’m sure our three kids would be really grateful if we can make things work. I’d love to get revenge and do terrible things to this little girl, but in the mean time I’d be really grateful to anyone who can get her mind off of my husband. I’ll gladly be able to give you any of her contact information.