The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This is the infamous Jill/Jillian Walsh-Huish-Osier. A friend of mine I want nothing do with anymore. Everything she has told so many of us over the years we have know her, worked with her… all lies!! She told us her ex husbands both abused her but funny enough she has also told us one is or was her BFF Lie and Lie!’ That she is not a cheater LIE!! That she has ties to the government, military and has told some of us she served in the military ALL LIES!! That she fought for her children for 7 years LIES they are all adults… I should have put that together myself so I’m guilty for not doing the math!! But recently the big shake and wake ( wake up call ) of just how big of a manipulative scam artist she is was this message you see in the picture!!! Let me introduce a message she sent to her own daughter’s baby dad!! Story we are told is her daughter has lost custody of her baby because her life is a little messed up and she us making some bad choices. Moms and dads do make bad choices but that does not mean they are not worthy of working on themselves to get clean or mentally straight or what ever the case may be in there childs lives again!! Jill tells us all it’s meth and being around pimps and prostitutes. I don’t even know and I can tell you Jill doesn’t know for sure either because she hasn’t seen or spoke to any of her kids in 7 years!! I think longer but she claims 7…. so she sends this message to the child’s dad saying she has all sorts of dirt on her daughter and if he will let her in and not shut her out and if he lets her bond with this child and let her family get to know the baby to then she will give him all this so called info she has on her own daughter!! Mind you ALL her children and there childrens fathers have ALL already told everyone she knows and Jill herself that she is to never even look at there children, that she is to not even save a photo, share, steal, or speak, look at, or even be in the same air space of ANY and ALL of there children that she is not a grand-parent of there children and they will never meet or know of her growing up ever!! So why does Jill not respect that and stay away from them or there children?? A woman they claim abused them and mentally abused them and damaged them growing up!! You can read ALL about it everywhere!! They have every right to not want Jill in there lives or business. They are not children they are adults and what and who these kids as parents want in there I have kids lives is there right and should be respected and honored!! I am an adult and a parent and I know if I told someone to stay the F*** away from me and my family and away from ME and MY spouses children and they crossed that line I would be out for blood!! She has no right trying to speak of that baby or to that baby or about there situation!! It is none if her d**n business!! And she sure as h**l has no right to get involved in a legal custody battle by defaming her daughter name and life… to the courts or that child’s father with lies she has made up to get her hands on that baby!! No right JILL!!!
She has no business sharing photos of her children’s kids that we all have been on the receiving end of her sending those pictures or posting them on her Facebook. Absolutely no right!! They are not her pictures to share and I now know she took those pictures right from her kids facebooks or had also had a few of her own family members who are acting like they do not like Jill and are stealing those photos and information from there posts from there personal accounts!! F****d up of Jill and those family members and friends!! I can go on forever about how messed up this is and it should be considered illegal!! Maybe it is illegal!!! If I were her kids I would take out restraining orders to protect themselves and there kids and maybe even get restraining orders on everyone else involved in stalking there children and passing around pictures of those babies!!! These are LITTLE KIDS!! LITTLE BABIES!! What is wrong with you all!!! You are legitimately feeding the mind and ego of a stalking and I am now convinced a crazy psycho!! Normal people do not do these things!! Stop letting her manipulate you!! Stop telling her what she us doing is ok!! You are part of the problem!! I was part of the problem by listening, believing her, and offering friendly and supportive advise!! Like an idiot!!! And for the people who help her…. you are just as f****d up of a person as she is!! You have no right sharing there lives and there business either!!! Especially those babies lives!!!