Well Edmonton, this loser is still up to his usual dirt of cheating on his transvestite looking live in girlfriend and we recently found out that he has now spread his seed and his long time mistress is now expecting! Blah! It looks like this girl hasn’t only been the one he’s been sleeping with on the side either. Apparently another girl attempted to tell Sheena Weel of his deeds a few months ago and she responded by saying, “my boyfriend has sexual preferences that are between him and I” lol no they aren’t between you and him because he gives it away to others and talks about it to everyone else but you! Of course she stayed and as her own man stated she has nothing, no job, no home, no car or anywhere to go! You know your desperate when your “man” cheats on you, beats on you and god only knows what else but you stay because he pays for stuff. Can you say, Selling yourself and your child’s soul to the devil for money? Here’s a thought, you might feel better about yourself and your life when you go out there and earn it yourself and don’t have to depend on a loser to survive! Maybe that’s why God hasn’t blessed you with your kid back honey, cause he knows your willing to put all that ahead of him and you do not deserve to be a mother for that very reason! God doesn’t like ugly and he sees it all! I hope this side piece eventually nails this loser to the wall with child support and keeps him far far away from having anything to do with raising it! A snake can shed its skin over and over but it will always be a snake! By the way Sheena and Jordan I would say it’s time to do a serious clean up of your inner circle because the very people you trust with all this information are the same people laughing and making fun of you both behind your backs cause they can’t stand either of you and what you stand for! I’m just here to put it all out there so everyone knows the truth about these idiots and it is NOT what they would like all to believe on social media. Some people don’t deserve to be on this site then there are these two….. DRD infested, over inflated ego, trash talking, trailer park trash, abusive, obnoxious, soul sucking, drama starting losers who like to point fingers to keep the spotlight from off their own misdeeds.