This is Jonathan Chaytor. He is from Newfoundland and moved to Edmonton. I wish he didn’t. This guy is a master minipulator, sleeps around with anything that will open their legs. He lies a lot. Don’t believe anything he says. He has drds. He doesn’t tell his sex partners this. He sleeps with them and spreads the filth he has. He has no respect for woman. He hit me multiple times and he is a big buy and I’m a 5’3 thin woman. It makes him feel good to abuse woman. I hate to talk about this but he made me have sex with him one night he was at my house. I think he put something in my drink because I couldn’t walk properly and was very disoriented after drinking half a drink he made for me. I woke up with no pants or underwear on and I was bruised down there if you know what I mean. He has a bad pepsi addiction. He works a lot but has nothing to show for it because he spends so much money on drugs and floozys. I think he is addicted to sex and will do anything to get it. Even if he has to drug a girl to do it.. he hurt me a lot and I need to share this because I don’t want anyone else to go through the pain and medical problems I have now because of him. It’s not right what he did and I am speaking out on it. There are some really bad people in this world and he is one of them. I now have to go to regular therapy at the sexual assault center. Because of him I am unable to trust men anymore. He should beat on someone his own size…