The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This little goof thinks he’s top sh1t. But the only one on one fight he’s gotten into is with his girlfriends. I know multiple of his ex’s who have been beat by him. But when grown men try to fight him he cowars and needs to have multiple people be on his side. He’s only with girls when it’s beneficial to him. He keeps girls around to use them for whatever he can. And as far as standards or respect for women goes he has none. He truly doesn’t give a single fuk about anyone but himself. On multiple occasions he has even put his family in danger. When being released from jail for literally beating the sh1t out of his ex who I know personally. He literally was staying at his mothers house even thru out the pandemic for a little bit till he was constantly going out with his friends getting drunk and screwing any girl he could, than his mother kicked him out because he clearly didn’t understand that going out all the time during a pandemic was endangering everyone he lived with. But see that’s the thing with Kyler he doesn’t give a single fuk about anyone unless pretending to care benefits him. He’s a woman beater and a solid goof he’s even dated a couple minors on multiple occasions. So anyways hide ur kids from this and protect ur daughters he will give girls any excuse as to why he gets physical. And will even try to make it the girls fault by manipulating them to the bitter end. He’s always gonna be an alabama looking hill billy that beats women to feel tuff.