The Worst Gold Diggers Author – San Antonio please be aware of Linda Renee Salinas. She loves men who have an established family, as she could not keep her family together so she hates people who are in happy relationships. She use to leave her kids Jose and Kaui to mess around with multiple married men leave them with an incurable drd and bounce. She also would do meth with her friend Kimberly Haack, who left her daughter Mia around strange men at all hours of the night. I feel bad for the men who do not know about her incurable drd. I also feel sorry for the kids of these messy meth addicts who just sleep with everyone. I hope cps takes the kids away they deserve way better hopefully thier father’s will step up and take custody of the kids, however I doubt is as Linda won’t let her ex even see the kids so sad. So beware guys don’t break up your family for filthy trash like Linda Renee Salinas!