I found everything out on my own. She didn’t come forward, and neither did he. Let’s start with how I found out. Sneaky me. Logged into S/O’s snapchat. Went through his messages. Found a conversation that started off innocent. “How much would you charge to clean my camper” then my “baby daddy” took it to the next level and asked if after she cleaned the camper he could take her out on a date”. My intuition got the best of me. Backstory. 3 months prior to this I had our first child. This conversation started four days before she was born. A planned induction. The day before he was supposed to take off work and come home. So after reading this snapchat sh*t, I call him. Pretend I know what happened already, claimined the woman had come forward and told me everything. Ha. Stupid fool told me everything. They went out dancing. Drinking, and had “drunken sex”. He kept this hidden from me for MONTHS. Of course I was devastated. Next I sent the girl a message telling her to call me. She verified everything he had told me. Crushed, that’s me. Gave him everything. He begged me to start a family with him. Apparently him working 6 1/2 hours away, and dealing with my pregnant mood swings were too much, and apparently me nagging about him GOING TO BARS WHERE HE MET THE GIRL MADE HIM CHEAT. Deep down, I know it had nothing to do with me. I know all it had to do with was his poor little shitty self not being able to commit to his family.