The Worst Gold Diggers Author- This BOY is a fake. He will fill people’s minds with lies and do everything he can to make you believe it’s true. I am good friends with his now ex girlfriend and he has done nothing but lie to her. He slept with her best friend, told people about it but when she found out denied it and said they were all lying. He was always with the girl he claimed to have had sex with but lied about that too. He refused to get tested for DRD’s when she asked and is always scratching his d1ck wherever he goes. He’s nasty. He uses people until they have nothing left to give then blames it all on them. He will flirt even if your girl is taken. If you want to keep her make sure he doesn’t go near her. This lowlife lives on welfare at 16 and won’t get a job. Stay away from this man slore unless you want aids or something worse.