The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This girl had an affair with my fiancée and then got him fired over it. This girl is married in the military and she started her affair with him at work and used the reason of working on projects with him to have their affair. She’d sneak off with him to his place or his dads home and sleep with him but when she got busted by her husband and my mans ex wife she claimed he gave her drugs and that he raped her. She got him fired from the military for it. She helped his ex wife get this done. She told my man that she’s done it before and uses men to get things she wants. She lies all the time and lied to my man the whole time they were together sayin she was leaving her husband for him and that her kid would be his and other junk. Now my fiancée is paying the price for her lies! We are together and happy and getting married but she still tries to talk to him and complain how miserable she is in her marriage like he would still want her skank drug head self. I’m sure he’s not the only one she’s tryin to talk too. She needs to leave my man and me alone and go get herself straight. He’s mine now and I don’t care what her or his ex says we’re together and nothing will change that. His ex tried to get us in trouble and that didn’t work so I’m not gonna let this girl stop us either.