The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This girl right here is the most trashy girl in this town.. she post pictures of her in under where just to try to get comments and intention… like get a job and be a good mom to your boys.. your setting a bad example for your kids. She keep spreading your legs to anyone who looks her way. She has slept with all kinds on married men and gave one an drd… she thinks she’s some type of cam model but in fact she has to use Facebook to get intention because no one wants to pay to see a painted on clown face bahahaha.. she is so full of stretch marks you wouldn’t believe. That nasty smell that comes from her smells like she hasn’t bathed in years. She has never worked a day in her life as you can see she sits around all day like a doll and post different picture of her self. She needs to get a job just like the rest of us. Oh ya she thinks she is some fit girl when in reality she is all skin and bones not but hey I guess you can sit and starve your self to take photos lol why don’t you stop editing your pictures and show all these men what you really look like ha hahah. You can find her on floozy pages because that’s how she supports her kids 🙁 she one nasty girl when you see her in person with no paint on her face and no pictures edits….. quit spreading your legs and get a job.