This is mikala turner she sleeps with girls boyfriends and passes around drds. She gave my boyfriend (now ex since I found out)drds  AT THE SAME TIME. She also has drds but according to her she can’t pass it, but I don’t know about that one. She sleeps her way through life and will have sex with anyone who will feed her, give her a place to stay or give her drugs. Apparently her and her friend vale sniff meth together but don’t tell anyone because they don’t want everyone to know they’re druggies but our friend groups are close so I hear everything about this little pass around. She used to date a guy named liem who she cheated on multiple times (with my ex included) and gave him stds as well, but blamed it on him. Hunni go get checked and cleaned you’re gonna infect the entire city. And stop acting like your “too good” under all those clothes you’re actually just a fake little girl with no life, hunniiii please go to the doctors and save other guys if you’re gonna sleep with everyone who looks at you.