Here we have Nadinea Threadgould. A nasty little gremlin faced skank who cheats on her fiance Lawrence Simpson any chance she gets while he’s away working. This ratchet faced skank has a reputation for spreading her legs for any guy that gives her attention because her self esteem is so shot from being so god damn ugly. We used to be best friends until I saw her behaviour get increasingly worse and I cut her off before she had a chance to try and stab me in the back. several times I had caught her making advances on my boyfriends and one even told me in private that she fantasized about having a threesome with him and myself. i was disgusted. Nadinea has a kid which she barely takes care of and leaves to be babysat by her mother while she sluts it up around the city. Poor child. Lawrence is too ugly and desperate to leave Nadinea and is in complete denial about everything. Maybe you should ask Kevin about that one night last June hey Lawrence? You know what I’m talking about. The night Nadinea said her “phone died” while you were trying to reach her. Hmmmm….