The Worst Gold Diggers Author – You can’t get much worse then this one! Niki changes relationships more then her dirty underwear… she goes for men that are very gullable and men she can easily manipulate and then she will take EVERYTHING she can from him including his family if she gets the chance. She has stolen from her own family and a few friends that were nice enough to help her when she needed it. She will bring drugs into your home and get so high that she forgets where she puts her dirty needles knowing there are kids in the house. I remember when her daughter and son got taken away and they gave her so many chances to get them back and year after year she kept picking drugs over her kids now her daughter is a teenager and Nikki gets high with her like thats how much of a scum bag this pig is. But her daughter has no idea how many times her own mother picked sticking needles in her arms over seeing her. Niki at one point only had one visit a month with her kids and she wouldn’t even show up to them because being a junkie was more important then being a mother. Niki is like a fuking virus once she gets into your life she infects everything and doesn’t give two fuks about how much she screws you over. She even stole money from one of her exs knowing it was money he has been saving and putting away so when his kid was old enough she would have a little nest egg for school and when he confronted her she laughed and blocked him from everything. She can’t even live in Halifax anymore becuase of everyone she has stolen from. Not to mention her dirty a55 two guys I know an drd and she still kept selling her a55 for money knowing she had one. Noone even wanted to touch her anymore becuase she would always smell like dirty pu55y wearing the same thong for almost a week straight fuking ditch pig! When she couldn’t find money she would call dealers and other people crying her eyes out talking like a fuking nut case. Point is keep away from her she’s nothing but a grown a55 loser who thinks she’s something.