, Quinn Adrian is the most abusive piece of sht you would ever meet. Has had multiple restraining orders in his past from all women. Literally slapped around or punched 3 women that I personally know, not to mention all the others that I’ve heard about. This guy should be in jail and have his a55 kicked very bad. Most jealous guy I have ever met and a total loser! Smokes weed all day and Rips lines of Pepsi every weekend while doing every steroid known to man. I’ve seen this guy back down to men half his size, he is a coward. You can find him on Instagram, Facebook, tinder and even grinder. He is known to tap boys and girls if you know what I mean. If not I’ll spell it out for you he’s Gaaayye but will deny it forever. Only competes to see other men oiled up behind the curtain. This skum bag has gotten on his knees and s*cked c*ck for a gr*m. He floats on by from Kelowna bc to castlegar, cranbrook bc, edmonton AB, Regina Sk, Calgary and vancouver. He thinks that just because he has fake teeth he doesn’t have to brush them. This guy has the grossest hygiene I’ve ever seen and always smells bad. Literally have to tell him to go rinse off or brush his teeth. He Always posts old pictures because he’s actually a fat low life piece of shit that hides eating snacks at night. Also buys all his followers on Instagram because he is so insecure.