For the first time ever I will speak publicly on this sick individual — Rachelle Desautels. She is a youth addictions counsellor in Edmonton — originally from Spruce Grove who works w/ at risk youth, but gets intoxicated at raves, rap shows etc. A few years ago she wrote a letter supporting a convicted women beater while also allegedly spreading rumours & discrediting the victim. Every time that her & the convicted abuser had conflict in their relationship she would reach out to the victim who continued to support her through this situation, but when Rachelle changed her mind about the victim she turned against her with hatred & zero remorse & continued to go back & forth between the victim & the convicted. Rachelle pretends to be a caring & kind individual, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. She will turn against anyone close to her for her own benefit, spreading rumours, slandering them & then going back to whichever individual will take her on their side, meanwhile giving them more information pertaining to the opposing party. PSA — Edmonton, stay away from this disloyal individual as she will cause nothing but drama & pain in your life. **FULL DISCLOSURE — these are all my own personal opinions except for the comments regarding her writing a su