This is a GOLD DIGGING SLORE! She’s a assistant GM of a lounge restaurant (mrmikes) in DV! She is as fake as they come! Her tan her personality! She slept with my husband from Grand Prairie we are separated now for tips ste facebooks him about deals etc it’s sick… she is engaged but has admitted she just want the money he comes with… she got the house she wanted she begged him to get engaged it’s all over her social media She’s a back stabber she thinks she’s gods gift She thinks she’s something but she’s not She looks pregnant hunny the gym ain’t going help you you fat cow! She’s a horrible server n treats her staff like shit if she doesn’t like them she talks bad about then n guests can hear very professional Her soon to be husband should shake his head before he marries her her lies have him blinded This company she works for should see how she really treats staff n customers not from what she says lol it’s a joke she’s a joke I have heard a few guys from the hotel across the parking lot bang her or get blow jobs from her