My husband and I got together he had this friend. When I met her for the first time there was something off about her. The second she came over I knew she wanted more with him (had that feeling). I told him I didn’t feel comfortable with him talking to her. He told me it stopped. Well, my husband got into a wreck and was in the hospital getting ready to go to surgery and he receives a text. I look at it and it’s a unsaved number, it just says ” good morning my sexy cowboy” he started crying telling me she told him she had breast cancer and it will stop. I month later I pick up his phone and there’s calls from her on there. A month after that he dissappears for the weekend because I just had that funny feeling he was still lying. Well he comes home that Sunday crying saying he wants us to work and that he stayed at a friend’s house named chris. Come to find out he was at her at her house f*cking her. I found out I was pregnant and Dr informed me I had chlamydia. Needless to say I had a rough pregnancy. I thought since I’m pregnant I could get over the fact that he cheated and promised to make things right. Well today I find out that my husband had a new yahoo messenger and his number was attached to it. Well I guess he found out that I opened a account so he blocked me thinking I didn’t see his account. Well i opened a new user name and his username popped up again. I told him his number as on that account, and somehow over the next 30 min his number dissappears, he still denied it. Long story short this is how he always communicated with her, thinking I would never find out. Now I’m going to the dr to get a std test done and after that I will be going to a lawyer. FYI I have a 3 month old now. What kind of women can talk and have sex with a man that is married and has a new born. Also she has text me randomly telling me that my husband and her had sex two weeks ago and he loves her tight pu $$y. Lmfao