The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Where do I start with this fool…? He is a youth leader at his church and it wouldn’t surprise me if he hits on the youth there seeing how creepy he acts. He goes on grindr hookups and is on grindr everyday and tells people to hang themselves, drink themselves to death, telling people that others have DRD. He looks like he has abused hard drugs for many years so maybe it is them causing him to act like an idiot. He openly admits to stealing peoples pictures and nudes to use them as his own to get more. Be careful ladies and gents! (Mostly gents because he is definitely gay). You thought you were invincible and look where that landed your pathetic a55? Ps. We hooked up last year and he was an absolute joke in bed. There isn’t much you can do with a small d1ck that looks like a little turtleneck chode. If you want to have sex with someone who looks like they dont know where they are or what is happening then hit this loser up! He is a good for nothing dirtbag and I hope your Daddy, Jesus can’t save you this time.