The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Sage Hele is a 25 year old dead beat. He lives with his mother in a one bedroom basement apartment and relies on welfare for hand outs while working full time jobs and refusing to pay the $100 in child support he owes both his children each month. Not only does he contribute to society by pretending to be straight edge with a mediocre X tattooed on his face while tall cans stack up beside his mother’s apartment window but he has relations with girls who are just past the age of consent and abuses them from, destroying their property, verbal/physical abuse like knocking out teeth and getting kicked out of bars downtown for being belligerently drunk. If you ever run into this guy in the downtown/vanier/little Italy, don’t be surprised if he’s stumbling around drunk with a Rockstar vodka is his hand while smoking a cigarette. It’s amazing that a guy who sleeps on his mother’s couch and lies about his income to avoid paying child support can manage to attract any kind of woman. No car, no stable housing, an alcoholic, a dead beat and an abuser. This guy really has it all, shmuck.