The Worst Gold Diggers Author – Mary Salko is a horrible human being. She hates people of color shes a true racist she even lives in a racist city. She befriends people of color and does malicious things behind there back like stealing drugs, and money she even helps her victims look for it. Later on boast about her evil deeds. Mary Salko also is a very manipulative human being and abusive. She gaslights everyone around her yells and screams when she doesn’t get her way. She is a bad drug addict and Children Youth Services took her kid, and she doesn’t care because she also abuses her friends kids. She deny the fact that shes a drug addict she spends her rent money on meth she floozies all the time to get more money and goes and manipulates family and friends for money and smokes it up. She sits around her brothers house all day and does drugs and talks to guys to get clients for her floozyn gig. Mary Salko has a relationship with her girlfriend and cheats on her all the time. She never gives anyone a true story. I watched her on the phone as she can tell lies and fake stories so well I got goosebumps she might be a serial killer aswell because she is very spooky when she gets angry at you and stomps around yelling and screaming. She is not a good person and citizen for our great country. eww yuck Mary.