Chased Selden for half a year. He moved in with me in the south side after staying with my parents for a bit. Fiund out this man will fuk anything that walks. He has no standards for older men except money….He made a commitment to me January 2016….I suspected there was infidelity so I offered to open the relationship up. He said no…he could not imagine me being with another guy. He cheated on me i caught him and took him back. Then we discussed threesomes…as long as we were together was fine.side note: I was paying for everything. I was blinded….I chose home over another guy I was in love with…that guy came to town I had an opportunity to sleep with him but when i went for a smoke he did…. he did rails off his c0ck…..We split up a bit he swore he changed his ways. I moved back home from for school he was allowed to move in with us. This man older than me 34 at the time, wouldnt even do his own dishes….. As time went by I found out he had been doing this sh1t for 10 years before me. I was smitten and blind he used it to his advantage. He actually didnt care. I took him back and he still hid things. Leaving me for the next man that could provide …Corey….This guys a hoe and a user. He cares only for himself. Selden Laboucan …snarkyspark on Twitter seldom83 on Instagram…beware he doesnt use you…