The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This sick rode hard b1tch is truly the definition of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. She is NO ONE you should be following on the path towards genuine mindfulness and self enlightenment. I had the displeasure of knowing her over 30 years and let me tell you, she hasn’t changed a wink since high school. The only difference is she’s had like twelve abortions since then. That’s probably why she’s pushing 50 and will leave behind no lasting legacy in the form of children. But knowing this moronic bully, she probably thinks being a dog mom and owning a yoga studio that was financed by her rich and equally looney family is legacy enough. Let’s talk about how Shannon treats her family and friends. Or rather, the incessant bullsh1t she puts them through until they either die, draw boundaries or run far away from her looney a55 (ah, the plight of the perpetually single hag who can’t keep a man). I don’t have enough time to type up an essay on her so instead here are some of her greatest hits * Bullied and emotionally abused her sister in cooperation with their narcissistic mother (she got it from someone!) and was one of the many enablers who led to her dying young from alcoholism, a lifelong battle that started when she was just a child growing up in this hellish family. She then milked her death for all it was worth and purposely alienated her sister’s adult children, who she knew would expose her behavior towards their mother and make her look bad. * Stalks all her ex-boyfriends, going as far as driving by their houses in the middle of the night and creating catfish profiles to mess with them. * Was pity hired by her vastly more talented and knowledgeable brother for a position at his company that she wasn’t at all qualified for and was such a problem for him that he made her read a book on correcting her personality flaws & report back to him with an essay. * Queen of gaslighting. Spent years trying to get her sister’s children to turn their back on their mother. * Was doing all of the above and so much more toxicity at the same time she was discovering yoga and claiming to be this enlightened, peaceful, drama free being. * Is so phoney, fake deep and uninformed that she went to a so-called medium with her looney, masculine looking, plastic surgery obsessed mother (death will soon become her, thankfully—this woman deserves a post all of her own) after her sister died to try to “communicate” with her…never mind the fact that her sister was a devote Christian and everyone knows mediums are either fake or communicating with demons posing as the dead. To become Shannon’s “friend” is to shackle yourself to the crazy train. Eventually, you will get run over. Avoid at all costs.