The Worst Gold Diggers Author – This piece of trash is Whittier’s finest cvm dumpster by way of Oceanside’s finest trailer park, not only does she like meeting other women’s men at hotels, she does it knowing they’re attached which makes her as big a slore as the dude. This washed up former bartender currently mooching off her poor kid is not only gross, sloppy, cant seem to wear clothes that actually fit and is just dirty in general. she’s also a well known pole smoker for dope so if you wanna get a lube job seek her out fellas, just beware she doesn’t come with a warranty so when you inevitably contract whatever nasty DRDs shes sporting that month you may wanna make sure your medical card is still good and have some penicillin at the ready. Shannon you are the epitome of a disgusting human being inside and out, you have no ethical or moral bones about you and you have no shame; the day you become worm food wont be soon enough, but rest assured I will be one of the MANY you’ve done dirty to spit on your grave. GO BACK TO THE TRAILER PARK!!