Sheryl Messer CHOSE to allow herself to become involved with her coworker Derek Brubaker. Sheryl was fully aware he was married but still CHOSE to meet him at parks and other private places just to talk and listen to him. As she said, she was trying to be a “good friend”. Derek’s wife caught on to their doings within a week after it started. She kicked Derek out and filed for divorce as Derek had already cheated on her once before during their 13 year marriage. Derek had no where to go so of course his “good friend” Sheryl lets him move in with her and boom just like that they’re in love. Derek’s wife had a face to face conversation with Sheryl months into their nasty divorce. During this conversation Sheryl told the wife she had kicked Derek out the day before because he needed to grow up. Sheryl even said she thought Derek was a WEAK BITCH. Sheryl admitted she knew Derek was a liar and a cheater and even told his STBX people don’t change. Sheryl admitted to his STBX that she was fully aware her actions were wrong and that she should have cut it off with Derek sooner but couldn’t because Derek talked such a good game. She told his wife she could hear Derek being verbally abusive to his wife during their phone conversations. She also told his wife she knew he had abandoned his children but turned around and threw it in his wife’s face that he treated her children and grandchildren like they were his own. What kind of a woman would cut another woman that deep when it comes to her kids. The saddest part of this meeting was when she told Dereks wife that she knew exactly how she felt because she was married 15 years and came home to her husband having an affair. What kind of woman loses her marriage through adultery but will allow herself to enter another marriage through adultery. A selfish one with no character, morals or values. Well guess what Sheryl and Derek were back together 2 days after this meeting. Sheryl admits she knows all these horrible things about Derek and still chooses to be with him. Does that say something about her or him