Girlfriend of 4 years at least I thought. Shyanne has that innocent face but definitely lies about who she is and what she does. I’ve never had trust issues or went through bad depression until she was caught cheating after my moms funeral before I found out she told me she hasn’t seen me in a bit because apparently she had a miscarriage with me what a load of crap. She dated the guy she cheated on me with litteraly weeks later and still said she loved me!! stupid me tried getting her back and then she cheated again that ain’t love all she ever did was accuse me of things only she does now she’s living off her friends and was getting money off me for over a year and still hasn’t paid back she has not worked in a year aswell she just uses people and the minute she’s tired of using you she moves on to the next she’s a narcissist who believes she’s not doing anything wrong!