meet Thomas A. Lukaszuk! Aka BitterThomas. He is an expired politician who’s nothing more than an attention seeker desperately trying to stay relevant by his obsession over Jason Kenny; by attacking him 24/7 on social media like a sour loser. Not to mention this sleazy scvmbag always slides in every girls DM begging them to sleep with him…. he brags about wanting to spoil them and have a future with them, and sends lots of nude photos of himself in hopes of getting laid. We all seen the creepy screen-shots of him saying how desperate he is to fall inlove, and constantly uses the same line that he is “separated” from his current-wife, and was forced to be married to her because she was pregnent, so he had no choice but to marry her. Meanwhile the wife seems extremely happy on social media and unaware of what’s happening behind her back. According to him it’s all for “public appearances” and they live in separate homes. As if my anyone’s stupid enough to fall for his bs! The wife must either be stupid doesn’t seem to care at all. Either way they’re both unattractive and a huge joke in Edmonton. We’re all just amused and laughing at how sad of a pathetic life they have. Ladies be aware of this sick predator ! He asks for a lot of naked photos.